Brayden Barret-Hay RSS

Brayden Barret-Hay, Mongoose, News -

With the Covid-19 outbreak causing travel to be cancelled and being locked down most of the time, Brayden Barrett-Hay decides to take to the tools and start building a fun little setup. After months of limited ability to ride, his goal was just to build something simple to stay fresh on his bike and progress […]

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Brayden Barret-Hay, Chris Akrigg, DJ Brandt, Fox Head, Giro, Greg Watts, iXS Sports Division, Josh Hult, Maxxis, Mongoose, News, Paul Genovese, RockShox, Smith -

There’s just something about riding in Spain that makes sense. Maybe it’s the sun, dry trails, Sangria and great riding. Maybe it’s the opportunity to hit the beach at the end of the day and eat phenomenal food. Whatever it is, the Mongoose boys are on it and loving the ride. And the falls! “The […]

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Anthony Messere, Backwoods Jam, Brayden Barret-Hay, Eric Lawrenuk, Manitou, Mitch Chubey, News, Nico Sholze, Reece Wallace, Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Tom Van Steenbergen -

Strap on your big boy/girl pants, grab a box of tissue and watch this inspiring edit from the latest and greatest of Backwoods Jam, Coast Gravity Park, BC! Dirt jumps and supermen (supermans?) aren’t for everyone, but it’s a damn pleasure to watch a bunch of skilled dudes tearing it up and turning on the […]

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Brayden Barret-Hay, Colorado, Deity, Morpheus Bikes, News -

If your trails are under water and you’ve moved to the skate park, then get inspired by Brayden Barrett-Hay, as he rips his way around the best transitions, dirt of concrete, that Colorado has to offer. Watch as Brayden Barrett-Hay visits Colorado in search of new trails, new transitions, and the drive for personal progression […]

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Brayden Barret-Hay, Epic TV Adventure, News, RockShox, Spank Bikes -

Inspirational stuff this, we saw the crash at Joyride and it’s great to now Brayden is getting back on his bike! “Some six months after a traumatic injury at the Red Bull Joyride threatened to end Brayden Barrett-Hay’s MTB career forever, he is stepping back into the park for the first time. Follow him as […]

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