Yeti RSS

Features, Iris Slappendel, Rapha, Tech, Tech features, Velocio, Wahoo, Yeti -

Unlike my CyclingTips colleagues, you will not find below a list of tools and tech. My product consumption is mainly in clothing – I love fashion and am influenced by bright colors. With the way the world is at the moment, you will find items that helped me get through these tough times, both literally and …

The post Ten products I loved in 2020: Abby Mickey appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Features, Tech, Tech news, Yeti -

If you were new to mountain biking in the early 1990s like me, those times were riddled with images of heroes like Missy Giove, Juli Furtado, and Jimmy Deaton racing on iconic yellow-and-turquoise machines from iconic brand Yeti Cycles. To celebrate its 35th anniversary, the Colorado company is clearly tugging on some heartstrings with the …

The post Limited-edition Yeti 35th anniversary ARC is the stuff of childhood dreams appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Bonnie Tu, Features, Industry, Juliana, LIV, Specialized, Tech, Trek Bikes, women in the industry, Yeti -

I had my first experience with the women’s specific movement in 2002. “I ride a Trek 6700 WSD,” my 12-year old self would say, smugly, to my friends. They didn’t know what on earth I was talking about, and neither did I. But I was hooked on clarifying to all who would listen that my …

The post Where have all the women’s bikes gone? A look inside an ever-changing market appeared first on CyclingTips.

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