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The riders participated in a month-long selection process to earn their spot.

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Cameron Jeffers, eracing, esports, Features, Opinion and analysis, Racing, The weekly spin, Virtual racing, Zwift -

The first week of October has already made it a banner month for surreal, post-modern headlines. “Twitter pulls Nickelback clip tweeted by President Trump over copyright complaint” qualifies. Step back in time a decade and try to explain that one to someone. “First British eRacing champion banned for using bot to gain access to Tron …

The post The weekly spin: Controversy? Welcome to the club, eRacing appeared first on CyclingTips.

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The Sufferfest has come a long way from its early days of offering basic ride-along videos to become one of the most loyally followed indoor training platforms for cyclists and triathletes. And that success is in spite of Zwift’s best efforts to monopolise the pain-cave market, having raised over US$164 million in private funding since …

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