yannick granieri RSS

Adidas, Anthony Rocci, Antoine Bizet, Antoine Dubourgnon, Commencal, France, Hexagone-Film, Hope Technology, Louis Reboul, Mehdi Gani, News, Pierre Charles George, Pierre-Edouard Ferry, Remi Thirion, Richard Fert, Yannick Granieri -

It’s Monday morning, which means just one thing, time to start planning for the weekend! The official trailer for Hexagone, with a full French contingent of riders and shot exclusively in France, should help! The films debut will be at Roc d’Azur on 11th October. A film by Marc-Olivier PANAUD & Thibault MENU With the […]

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Fox Head, Lee Debuse, News, Yannick Granieri -

Pretty freakin’ sick. Yannick Granieri and the building crew construct this nasty jump through the Canal de Marseille that runs through his backyard. Then he flips it with Lee Debuse wakeboarding underneath!

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Crankworx, News, Red Bull, Yannick Granieri -

The level of freestyle mountain biking keeps rising and it’s guys like Crankworx Les2Alpes course designer Yannick Granieri who provide a bit of catalyst! Get Yannick’s take on the FMB scene and check out some sick riding.

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Antoine Bizet, Anton Thelander, Continental, G-Shock, Geoff Gulevich, Giant Bicycles, GoPro, Martin Soderstrom, News, Nine Knights, Peter Henke, Pierre-Edouard Ferry, Red Bull, Sam Pilgrim, Sam Reynolds, Smith, Suzuki Nine Knights, Tobi Wrobel, Yannick Granieri -

Nothing tells a great story like a sick GoPro camera angle! This GoPro highlights edit gets you right into the action and give you a taste for what it’s like to soar like the pros and hit some sick jumps and trails with helis hovering overhead! // Edit: Sean Balmer from http://distillery.cc

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Antoni Velloni, Continental, G-Shock, Giant Bicycles, GoPro HD HERO3, Martin Soderstrom, News, Patrick Schweika, Peter Henke, Smith, Suzuki Nine Knights, Sweet Protection, Yannick Granieri, Zimstern -

They throw down hard and crash even harder! You saw the big tricks from Nine Knights in Italy so now check out some of the gnarliest and massive bail outs and feel the pain. // Director: Sean Balmer | Producer: The Distillery | Athletes: Martin Soderstrom, Patrick Schweika, Pete Henke, Yannick Granieri, Antoni Velloni

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