Vancouver RSS

News, North Shore, raceface, Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Vancouver, Wade Simmons -

For episode 3 of Pick-A-Part, mountain bike legend Wade Simmons gives us plenty to chew on with tips on dialing in mtb jumps, railing berms, and attacking turns – watch for a secret bonus move for you to try out in your own backyard!

The post Wade Simmons Masterclass - How To Ride Jumps & Berms first appeared on IMB.

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IFHT, News, Norco Bicycles, North Shore, Vancouver -

Fighting the winter blues by making yourself go ride the amazing trails of Vancouver’s North Shore? Sounds like a great idea to us! Follow Andrew Santos as he makes the effort to ride every day of the week come rain or shine and keep those winter blues at bay.

The post 7 Days On The North Shore first appeared on IMB.

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Monday Motivation, News, North Shore, Race Face, Rocky Mountain Bicycles, Vancouver, Wade Simmons -

What better way to start the week off than with a true masterclass in trail tips with none other than the freeride godfather – Wade Simmons!

The post Monday Motivation | Trail Tips With Freeride Legend Wade Simmons first appeared on IMB.

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Kona Bikes, Miranda Miller, News, North Shore, Vancouver -

“Cypress is fast. More laps, more tokens, more pressure, and more pace. It’s a constant game of chase and a song of holler. You’re in the woods but you’ve caught the energy of the city below. You rush to get more laps, rush to keep up, to not get caught, you rush to find your […]

The post Winter Conditions Don't Stop Miranda Miller first appeared on IMB.

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British Columbia, News, Trail Dog, Vancouver -

Brighten up your day with this great video, ‘Trail Floof’ showcasing the lives of 5 adopted trail dogs in Vancouver, Canada. “It’s pretty universally agreed that dogs are awesome – whether as trail dogs or best buddies. But what many may not realise is how many former friends or would-be buddies are put to death […]

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