Utah RSS

Crash, Deity, News, Red Bull, Red Bull Rampage, Tom Van Steenbergen, Trek Bikes, Trek C3 Project Team, Troy Lee Designs, USA, Utah -

Yes it’s that flip! Tom Van Steenbergen goes for gold over the 72 foot canyon gap, with the biggest front flip in mountain bike history. His balls are so big, rumour has it Troy Lee has to make him special pants!

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Cam Zink, News, Red Bull, Red Bull Rampage, USA, Utah, YT Industries -

He makes it look so easy! On his way to second place, Cam Zink stomps the best trick of the Rampage, earning a cool $5,000, not a bad day in the office!

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Andreu Lacondeguy, Brandon Semenuk, Cam Zink, News, Red Bull, Red Bull Rampage, Trek Bikes, USA, Utah, YT Industries -

Controversial, or well deserved? You decide with a full replay of every flip, whip and hospital trip of the 2014 Red Bull Rampage.

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Andreu Lacondeguy, News, Red Bull, Red Bull Rampage, USA, Utah, YT Industries -

The slaying of the beast! One run, big lines, big air and finally fourth becomes first. With line choice and flow winning out over big tricks, Lacondeguy finally does it, step onboard and watch him flow. Final Results 1. Andreu Lacondeguy 95.25 2. Cam Zink 89.50 3. Brandon Semenuk 89.25 4. Kyle Strait 89.00 5. […]

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News, Qualifier Results From Red Bull Rampage, Red Bull, USA, Utah -

Wham, bam, thank you mam! They beat the weather, they’ve survived the show so far, but only 10 will make it through to the main event, time to switch it to beast mode and ignore all common sense!

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