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Austria, News, Scott Bicycles, Team InFocus -

The mountains are calling! If you aren’t lucky enough to live near some big mountains, have you planned your first big trip to the steep stuff yet? Team InFocus heads to Saalbach, Austria for some good, old fashioned shreddin’!

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News, Paul Bass, Scott Bicycles, Utah -

Like that old adage about a dog not being just for Christmas, Utah isn’t just for Rampage! Check out Paul Bass sending it in Utah! Paul B, his Gambler, and some rad Utah lines. What more could you ask for? Video: iRelevant Media

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Åre Bike Park, News, Scott Bicycles, Whiteout Pictures -

The guys at Whiteout Pictures have put out some great edits recently. Ever wondered how some of those amazing shots are captured during a film? Well this edit supplies the answer, check out this stunning video shot with drones!

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Kona Bikes, News, Oakley, POC Sports, Scott Bicycles -

The mountains of Europe are beginning to wake, how long until we can head there with two wheels and shred? Check out this edit from Åre Mountain if you are missing big mountain riding.

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Brendan Fairclough, Brendog, News, Portugal, Scott Bicycles, Winter Training -

No one can deny the skill and style of Brendog, but how does a rider that rips at events like the Red Bull Rampage and World Cup DH train in the off-season? Will sit back and find out! This winter Scott bikes rider Brendan Fairclough went out to Portugal to get some time in on […]

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