red bull RSS

Curtis Keene, News, Red Bull, Specialized Bicycles, Troy Lee Designs -

Monday morning? Feeling a bit down about being at work and not on the trails, this should cheer you up, or at least raise your pulse a little bit! Curtis Keene giving the Specialized Enduro and thorough thrashing out in the Santa Monica mountains! CLICK to watch from Curtis’ perspective:

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Anthony Messere, Brett Rheeder, Cam McCaul, Fox Head, News, Red Bull, Trek Bikes, Tyler McCaul -

Fox have a pretty good team of riders at the moment, Brett Rheeder, Tyler McCaul, Cam McCaul and Anthony Messere could all win major contests on their day and have in the past. Put them all together for a photo shoot for the 2014 catalogue and you get something pretty special. We’re glad they kept the […]

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Andreu Lacondeguy, Bell Bike Helmets, CPGang, News, Red Bull, Unit, YT Industries -

I’m pretty sure many years ago Andreu Lacondeguy took all the remaining steeze on the planet and locked it up with his own personal stash. Style for miles in this edit and it’s kind of cool to see some of the slams he takes too and how a pro athlete can fall from so far […]

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News, Red Bull -

Get excited, it’s not long now! Less than a month until the season kicks off and once again Red Bull will be providing excellent coverage of all the races live online! Now, who to put that crate of beer on for the annual inter office betting game… I think the smart money has to go […]

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News, Red Bull -

Madness from top to bottom at the Red Bull Valparaiso Cerro Abajo Urban DH race, some excellent footage of some frankly ridiculous riding down some of the narrowest, gnarliest, steepest urban routes you will find…

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