Nick Pescetto RSS

Antoine Bizet, Canyon Bicycles, Fox Racing Shox, Indonesia, ION Products, Julia Hofmann, Kona Bikes, News, Nick Pescetto, Rob J Heran -

A stunning edit discovering the lesser-known side of the world famous surfing destination of Bali. Join ION riders Julia Hofmann, Nick Pescetto, Antoine Bizet & Rob Heran on their adventure finding hidden trails on the Indonesian island. Though Bali is renowned for its beaches and surfing, volcanic mountain trails and epic singletrack are becoming a new […]

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Brendan Fairclough, KC Deane, Kyle Jameson, Louis Reboul, News, Nick Pescetto, Nico Vink, Paul Bass, Red Bull, Red Bull Rampage, Scott Bicycles -

The Rampage is coming, are you ready? It’s going to be wall to wall crazyness for the next couple of days, who is your money on for the title?

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Alex Evans, News, Nick Pescetto, Nico Vink, Scott Bicycles, Vincent Tupin -

Wanted: Product test shredder to put new sleds through the ringer. Must be able to send it. Check out Nico Vink and crew testing out Scott’s DH and FR rigs! Watch and learn lads! // Edit: ShapeRideShoot

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Andreu Lacondeguy, Chatel Bike Park, Lluis Lacondeguy, News, Nick Pescetto -

Just how massive is that backflip??!! It was an epic weekend at Chatel and here’s some more proof. Check out the Lacondeguy’s and crew sending it huge! // Edit: Nick Pescetto

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Andreu Lacondeguy, Chatel Bike Park, Lluis Lacondeguy, News, Nick Pescetto -

Just how massive is that backflip??!! It was an epic weekend at Chatel and here’s some more proof. Check out the Lacondeguy’s and crew sending it huge! // Edit: Nick Pescetto

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