Matt Hunter RSS

Dakine, Darren Berrecloth, iXS Sports Division, Matt Hunter, News, Sombrio, Specialized Bicycles -

Matt Hunter and Darren Berrecloth in the same movie for 6 whole minutes? Why thank you very much Specialized, oh and if you could chuck in plenty of nostalgic footage too that would be gravy! Bingo… This edit delivers on all fronts as Matt and Darren reminisce on 10 years of riding for the same […]

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Afghanistan, iXS Sports Division, Matt Hunter, News, Sony Action Cam, Specialized Bicycles -

I bloody love Matt Hunter, not only does he absolutely slay it, he has some interesting ideas as to what constitutes a bike ride, when we saw him disappear into the wilderness in Canada for three days off the back of a seaplane we were impressed. But this new edit in Afghanistan just takes it […]

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Anthill Films, Matt Hunter, News, strength in numbers, Switzerland, Wade Simmons -

In keeping with the theme of their new community-based film project, Strength in Numbers, Anthill Films has just released the full Switzerland segment for everyone to enjoy and share. Travelling with your bike is an amazing way to create connections between different riding communities all over the world. This is what Anthill hoped to capture […]

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Matt Hunter, News, Silvia Films, Silvia Films- Winter trails with Matt Hunter, Winter trails -

By Silvia Films “Hunter shredding in fresh tracks on some local trails surrounding Kamloops. Big thanks to Dylan Sherrard for lighting up Matt in the night section!” I felt the ice the cold air sting the inside of my lungs while the spikes in my tires sliced into the frozen earth. A cold wind whispered […]

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