kona bikes RSS

100%, Adidas, Ford Transit Custom, Kona Bikes, News, Smith -

For years Kona have been making great bikes, as one of the original bike brands they have still managed to keep their core roots at the heart of their business. Last year they dropped a new range that turned more than just heads. For 2015 that range has been tweaked and developed and we were […]

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Adidas, Antoine Bizet, Brandon Schmidt, Ethen Godfrey-Roberts, ION Products, Kona Bikes, News -

From Tahoe to Virgin, follow Antoine Bizet on part 2 of his trip through the US. Featuring Brandon Schmidt and Ethen Godfrey-Roberts from Nitro Circus, watch Antoine take a beating as he tries to nail down some new tricks! Directed / Edit : Jules Langeard || Film: Jules Langeard & Kent Johnson from NorcalProductions ||

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Connor Fearon, Greg Minnaar, Kona Bikes, Maxxis, Merida Bikes, News, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Steve Peat -

A new series of films following the World Cup and speaking to the riders who roll with Maxxis tyres. Featuring both the DH teams and XC teams it gives you a little insight into what changes and preferences they have. As MTB evolves and timings are spilt by hundredths of a second, having the right […]

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Kona Bikes, News -

I remember drooling over a Cinder Cone in my youth, what I like most about this is the whole film features hard tails and goes to show you can have fun on any bike, you just need the right attitude… Hop aboard the Cinder Cone Time Machine, yeah braaa…

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Kona Bikes, News -

They don’t often make bike videos as good as this, proving that XC bikes aren’t all about lycra and heart monitors the Kona crew take their new XC Race Light Bikes the Hei Hei Supreme, Hei Hei Deluxe, and King Kahuna, on a spin around their home turf of Maui… Simply amazing scenery, riding and filming, […]

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