josh bryceland RSS

Fox Head, Josh Bryceland, News, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Santa Cruz Syndicate, Steel City Media1, Steve Peat -

It looks awfully damp in Cairns right now, home to the next round of the World Cup! Steve Peat is feeling his age and has a bad back, so he’s asked young Mr Bryceland to step in and take us for a swim down the track…

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Devinci, Fox Head, Josh Bryceland, News, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Stevie Smith -

Sicko to the power of ten! World Champ Stevie Smith and everyones favourite Northerner, Josh Bryceland let the bikes do the talking as they show off the new Fox Head range for 2014… 3 minutes of pure unadulterated mountain bike pleasure await your face…

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Fox Head, Josh Bryceland, Logan Peat, News, Santa Cruz Bicycles -

This one is a bit of a gem, Josh Bryceland and Logan Peat head to Santa Cruz on their new Jackals and shred all the local spots, the boys from SC themselves decided to pick them up in a retro 1949 GM 401 Union Pacific Stremaliner, AKA the “Crazy Train”! Enjoy! “Still using its original […]

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Five Ten, Fox Head, Josh Bryceland, Monster Energy, News, Royal Racing, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Steel City Media1, Steve Peat -

The last episode of This Is Peaty for 2014! As usual expect stupidity and shenanigans from the boys as they get ready for the World Premier of Clay Porter’s masterpiece, Won’t Back Down, which chronicles the life of one of huge most enigmatic and successful DH racers in history! “What a season it’s been… It’s […]

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Birzman Tools, Fox Head, Josh Bryceland, Monster Energy, News, Royal Racing, Santa Cruz Bicycles, Santa Cruz Syndicate, Steel City Media1, Steve Peat -

Rude words, general silliness and the usual carnage, yep it’s another episode of This Is Peaty, taking a look at the last two World Cups and the recent Chiang Mai DH expect the usual shenanigans from #allthelads… As usual, you have been warned! “It was a slow start to Peaty’s 2013 campaign… Building through the […]

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