Commencal RSS

Canyon Factory Enduro Team, Commencal, Commencal Vallnord Enduro Team., Enduro, EWS, News, Rocky Mountain Urge bp Rally Team, Urge Bike -

It’s been a little while since a number board has been strapped to our bikes, but edits like this make us want to get all competitive again! Bring on the 2015 EWS! Best-Of EWS 2014 with Urge Teams. Footage credits: RITM Media/Superenduro CDUB productions / Christian walter Brian Park Andrés Franzoy Music: The Insider album […]

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Commencal, Kyle Strait, News, USA -

The signing of Kyle Strait by Commencal was completely off the radar for many people, but with Commencal expanding their US business and making some amazing bikes, it looks like a win win to us. Check out this Kyle Strait edit from the Andorrans and let us know what you think.  

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Cecile Ravanel, Cedric Ravanel, Commencal, Commencal Vallnord Enduro Team., Enduro, News, Nicolas Quere, Vallnord Bike Park -

We loved the bike when we tested it out in the Alps, so we know the Commencal Vallnord Enduro Team should fly this year and with that colour scheme, you should see them coming! Take Nicolas Quere for his legendary style and speed, Cédric Ravanel for his experience and management skills and add a head-strong […]

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Adam Brayton, Commencal, Dh World Cup, Hope Technology, News, Red Bull, Specialized Bicycles -

Who else is super excited about the DH World Cup returning? It’s not long now and it’s starting with a brand new venue to mix things up! We are sure all of the old names will be at the top, but joining them will be some new young contenders, which brings us neatly on to […]

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Commencal, Lorenzo Suding, Marcus Hansson, News, Oscar Harnstrom -

Take the H from Harnstrom and the S from Suding and you have the HS Racing Team! Already part of the Commencal team last year with Exceptio Sports, Oscar had no trouble convincing Lorenzo to change his ride and now they have joined forces in this new adventure! Lorenzo said, “The bikes are beautiful, we […]

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