Aaron Gwin RSS

Aaron Gwin, Fox Head, News, Specialized Bicycles, Troy Brosnan, Troy Lee Designs -

Go behind the scenes with Gwin and Brosnan at the World Championships and see what went on in their heads as they got to grips with the track and settled the nerves for the final race run. After a stellar season either one of them could have taken the crown, but sadly it wasn’t to […]

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Aaron Gwin, Eric Carter, News, Specialized Bicycles, Troy Brosnan, world championships -

One lap no crap. Well said, Eric! Following one of the most exciting World Cup seasons ever, Aaron Gwin and Troy Brosnan represent their home countries of the United States and Australia as they go head-to-head for the World Championship in Hafjell, Norway. // Production: John Lawlor & Victor Lucas

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Aaron Gwin, News, Specialized Bicycles, Troy Brosnan -

The jury is still out, but can’t argue with the rippin’ skills on display here! Check out Troy Brosnan and crew taking the new demo out for a shred sesh.

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Aaron Gwin, Emmeline Ragot, Josh Bryceland, Manon Carpenter, News, Rachel Atherton, Tracey Hannah, Troy Brosnan, UCI MTB YT -

Catch up on this weekend’s Downhill World Cup action with this edit from UCI. Josh Bryceland took it for the mens by 1.5 seconds ahead Gwin who was followed by Brosnan. And that’s enough for Ratboy to move into the leader’s position in the overall rankings! For the ladies, it was all Emmeline Ragot by […]

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Aaron Gwin, Eric Carter, News, Specialized Bicycles, Troy Brosnan, UCI Downhill World Cup -

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPuqrN6Kiuk&feature=youtube_gdata Check-ch-check it out…get the Windham course check with Specialized’s Aaron Gwin. Watch Troy Brosnam manhandle some of the rocky sections and let’s see if he can hold onto that top ranking! // Edit: John Lawlor & Victor Lucas | Featuring: Troy Brosnan, Aaron Gwin, Eric Carter

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