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The race season is beginning to get underway, there were big names present as the GIANT Toa Enduro took place at Crankworx Rotorua with plenty of big names taking to the stages such as Sam Blenkinsop, Brook MacDonald, Anneke Beerten and Rae Morrison. Get a round up of all the action:

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It’s been a long, dark and certainly wet winter in the UK, now going into March nothing much seems to be changing. As we sent Jim down to South Wales to the season opener for the ever popular Mini Enduro, it seemed to be more like a winter race than the start of the UK season. After his long road to recovery from his last Mini Enduro race that destroyed his ankle five months prior at the Forest of Dean, we hoped he hadn’t seen the last of his confident racing.

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News, Racing -

With the Enduro World Series season kicking off shortly, things are starting to hot up with more news and information about the season and even years ahead filling our screens. Earlier in the week came the new that there will be a new round of qualifying events that the EWS hope will offer riders a clearer route into the series. More on that and other news below:

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News, Racing -

Slowly but surely the race season is kicking off. Over the past weekend the 2016 DOLCENDURO in Dolceacqua, Italy took place with some big names in attendance! Catch all the action below:

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News, Racing -

The organisers of the Enduro World Series have announced a new round of qualifier events that they hope will give racers a clearer route into the series over the coming years. Sound good? Then get all the details direct from those at the centre of the EWS:

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