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The first date of the Kona Montenbaik Enduro Championship 2012 took place this October with 200 enthusiastic riders in bikepark El Durazno, Chile. This was the 4th year of this championship and is still the only one of its kind in Latin America.

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Day 7 traditionally has that feeling of the last day of term. Don’t mistake us, Mavic® Trans-Provence is an adventure of a lifetime, but for most people 7 days is enough racing. We tend to focus on the race and the videos do to, but they can’t tell the full story of just how worn out people are by the last day.

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[vimeo]50478652[/vimeo] Day 6 then is the beginning of the end – it’s a big day still, but you can look back over the last five days and the country covered, and look forward to the final pull to the coast.

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[vimeo]50358514[/vimeo] Day 5 of Mavic® Trans-Provence showed in equal measure the spirit of cooperation and support that has always been the part of the spirit of Mavic® Trans – Provence, but also the transition of the event, the sport, and the concept of multi day enduro style racing. From a mostly amateur affair to a to a recognised discipline in its own right, and with it the need for more stringent rules and the application of penalties for those that break them.

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[vimeo]50251320[/vimeo] Wednesdayʼs ride through the Maritime Alps was a short one, relatively speaking. A touch under 30km long, 2354 metres of descending and a total accumulated baguette consumption of 135 metres.

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