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Unbound Pro Bike: Nathan Haas’ Colnago G3-X Kansas Art Decor

Unbound Pro Bike: Nathan Haas' Colnago G3-X Kansas Art Decor

Listen here, Colnago. You need to stop it. This year was looking so good. I loved the new the new TT bike you released, and the C68 sounds great in James’s review, and, yeah, I am excited to find out about that new V4Rs we spotted Tadej Pogacâr riding, but you’ve just gone and spoiled it all.

You see, once upon a time Colnago to me was all about iconic bikes, with stunning paint jobs. Art Decor! Those new bikes I listed above are great, but nowhere did I see mentioned an homage to the PR11, AD10, or PR82. And that was fine. Out of sight, out of mind.

But now you’ve spoiled it all, with one press release title: “Nathan Haas will race UNBOUND Gravel on a Colnago G3-X Kansas Art Decor.”

Out of sight, out of mind has become very much in sight, and I can’t get it out of my mind. You have teased me with this recreation of the classic AD10 and I can’t settle for anything less. Haas gets an AD10 while all I can have is EMIRATES across a top tube? That’s no fair.

I mean, I shouldn’t even like this thing. It’s blue, its chrome, it’s black, it’s fluoro yellow, it’s even got some orange and a rider painted on the top tube. I love it.

Those in the know, know. Some will never understand.

It’s so overly garish nothing has ever been more perfect.

I’m sad because it’s not mine. Please be sad with me by enjoying this gallery.

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