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indoor cycling, indoor trainer, indoor training, Kickstarter, Riding indoors, Sean Kelly, Tech, Tech news, Zwift -

Former classics star launches IndoorVelo screen mounts, a new screen display mount to hold multiple devices simultaneously.

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cycling shoes, indoor cycling, indoor training, Tech, Tech features -

Indoor cycling is booming. Indoor specific garments are now a thing, but do we need indoor specific shoes?

The post What are indoor cycling shoes and do you really need them? appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Culture, Hustle City, indoor training, News, Videogames -

Hustle City promises the thrill of zipping through traffic without any of the danger.

The post If Zwift had traffic: Become a bike messenger with this indoor-trainer game appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Features, indoor training, Tech news, Zwift, Zwift Racing -

The first-ever eSports world championships took place this week, pulling in riders from all over the world to duke it out virtually on Zwift’s fictional Watopia island. But every one of those riders was in an actual place, on an actual trainer, sitting in front of actual fans. What did their in-real-life setups look like? …

The post Weights, straps and fans: The pain cave of a Zwift world championships rider appeared first on CyclingTips.

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Features, indoor training, Learn, Training -

The world continues to struggle through the coronavirus pandemic and what a rollercoaster it’s proven to be. For months my social media feeds have been lighting up with our European friends living life in relative normality (while headed toward a ‘second wave’); meanwhile in Victoria, Australia, we’ve been in full lockdown for nearly two months …

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