Danny MacAskill, Videos -

Danny MacAskill’s latest video is mindblowing

Scottish mountain bike/trials rider Danny MacAskill has a deep back-catalogue of videos that defy comprehension. Across the years he’s demonstrated balletic mastery of bike handling, white-knuckled daring, a whimsical touch and a sense of joy.

His latest, set on the imposing Dubh Slabs on the Isle of Skye, is not high-concept or even particularly high-production value. It just features MacAskill piloting his mountain bike down a massive bloody cliff, followed by an expertly piloted drone, with the whole lot rousingly soundtracked by Arcade Fire.

It’s well worth six minutes of your time (unless you’re afraid of heights, in which case, click on by).

The post Danny MacAskill’s latest video is mindblowing appeared first on CyclingTips.
