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Amy Pieters to be transported back to the Netherlands

Amy Pieters to be transported back to the Netherlands

Two weeks after a training crash took down Amy Pieters in Spain the Dutchwoman will finally be transported back to the Netherlands. A team of specialists are planning to transport the Dutch national champion via airplane on Thursday, January 6, according to her SD Worx team.

Pieters was training with the Dutch national track team in Spain when the collision occurred. She was hospitalized after she lost consciousness and following surgery on her head she was placed in an artificial coma. A few days later, on December 28th, SD Worx announced that Pieters would be kept in the coma for three more days.

“Pieters is breathing independently and the sedation has been phased out,” SD Worx said on Wednesday. “Otherwise, her situation is stable but unchanged. Only when the rider awakens will the medics be able to get a first impression of the consequences of the fall.”

Both the men’s and women’s peloton have voiced support for Pieters on social media. Lucinda Brand couldn’t hold back tears after winning the GP Sven Nys stating, “It’s a very difficult time. It’s nice to win but other things are more important. I had to keep going to win – it was so hard.”

“I am constantly thinking of [Amy] and her family. I hope they can take some strength from this.”

Until there are more updates on Pieters’ condition the cycling world continues to hold its breath and hope for good news.

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