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Amy Pieters remains unconscious following December training crash

Amy Pieters remains unconscious following December training crash

Amy Pieters, who crashed in late December while training with the Dutch national track team, remains unconscious but is breathing on her own, according to a statement from her SD Worx team.

“The Pieters family has been receiving many questions about the current state of affairs, but for now there is little change to report about the situation, which the family experiences as uncertain,” the statement read.

Following the crash Pieters was placed in an artificial coma for what was supposed to be a few days, however, the coma was extended an additional three days just before the New Year. Pieters was eventually transported from Spain, where the accident occurred, back to her home in the Netherland in the first week of January.

Pieters is currently in a Dutch hospital being treated by Professor Wilco Peul, a neurosurgeon and neurotrauma specialist. According to Peul “she has made it through a very serious brain injury, during which she underwent the first life-saving surgery, the acute critical phase of artificial coma in the Intensive Care Unit, and has come through it relatively well, according to the circumstances,” the team press release said.

One month after the crash Pieters has been moved from the intensive care unit to an inpatient unit and the doctors say she has shown improvements.

“The sequel is still unpredictable. It is expected that after her hospitalization if her condition in terms of physical health is stable, she will face a long rehabilitation period,” SD Worx said.

“This situation is for Amy and her family an emotionally difficult and uncertain period. The family would like to thank everyone for their support.”

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