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Alexandar Richardson of Alpecin-Fenix mugged while on a training ride

Alexandar Richardson of Alpecin-Fenix mugged while on a training ride

Alexandar Richardson (Alpecin-Fenix) said via social media that he was mugged on Thursday afternoon while riding in Richmond Park in southwest London.

The 31-year-old Brit said that at around 3 pm, “two motor bikes with 4 men and balaclavas started following” him as he was nearing the end of a training ride.

“I knew exactly they wanted to take my bike and started to think what the best thing I could do was. I turned around at east sheen roundabout and started riding full speed to the cafe about 500 metres away,” he wrote on Instagram. “They simply rode one of the motor bikes into me at 60kph. I came off the bike and the first motor bike lost control. I held onto my bike however the second motor bike then dragged me and the bike along the floor for another 100 metres. After this they pulled out a 15 inch machete at which point I thought better and let the bike go.”

Richardson shared a photo of a badly scraped leg and said that he gave details of the incident to the police.

“I’m pretty cut up and bruised with a swollen hip but tomorrow is another day,” he wrote. “Please be careful in the area and note this is becoming a common occurrence in parts of London. The police have taken their notes down as armed robbery and hopefully the criminals are found.”

Graphic image warning: The photo that Richardson posted to social media is embedded below.

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