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2022 Eurobike tech gallery, day two: Magnets, motors, and 3D-printing galore

2022 Eurobike tech gallery, day two: Magnets, motors, and 3D-printing galore

The bike industry is seemingly obsessed with 3D printing these days. It’s long been a staple of product development for rapid prototyping, but it’s quickly becoming a preferred method of production for high-end consumer products, too.

Selle Italia and Selle San Marco are jumping into the saddle pool with new models slated to be released later this year, Elastic Interface Technology has incorporated 3D-printed pads into a new premium chamois concept, and German outdoor brand Jack Wolfskin is even using 3D printing for backpack padding. 

What’s next? Only time (and imagination) will tell.

Fidlock — the maker of all those fancy magnetic helmet buckles, like on Bell’s new Falcon XR — is also continuing to expand its range of magnet-based closures. There’s a wealth of accessories that use the same latch concept, but also things like magnet-based hydration bladder reservoirs. Perhaps most interesting, however, is a new magnetic ratcheting shoe closure concept called Winch that’s already being used in some limited-edition everyday footwear and bike bags. Might the company be thinking of going after Boa? Maybe — or maybe not. 

Finally, IDmatch (essentially a division of Selle Italia) is continuing to push its novel bike fit system, which uses a network of high-precision cameras to quickly acquire body measurements without having to use stick-on marker dots. The system uses those same cameras to analyze — in real time — your position on the fit bike, and then automatically (!) moves the saddle and bars to wherever the software thinks they should be.

Selle Italia says the whole process usually takes less than an hour from start to finish, and the company claims the system can go head to head with premium traditional fit systems like Retul and others. Seems too good to be true, no? Perhaps, but even if the system gets a rider pretty close, if the time and cost makes a fit more accessible to more people, that’s hardly a bad thing.

More to come soon from the 2022 Eurobike show. Stay tuned! Oh, and if you haven’t checked out our gallery from day one, you can find it at the link.

Selle Italia, Selle San Marco, and IDmatch

Elastic Interface Technology



Jack Wolfskin

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