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UK Racing | Stop the madness! Let’s give the BES a new name

When the UKGE announced that that it would not be continuing for 2016 there was a sadness that swept through the UK racing community, but also a hope that something new would guide enduro into the next phase, a National series that would bridge the gap between grassroots and the now very international Enduro World Series. We waited excitedly and then two very confusing press releases hit the media. There were now to be two series, both aiming for national domination, both called the ‘British Enduro Series’ – the collective UK riding community gave a deflated slow clap!

This is not right, this is not right at all!
This is not right, this is not right at all!

The confusion has continued for the last few months as numerous press releases have dropped, with riders still not sure which series is which, at this fragile time for UK enduro this was not what we need. In one corner we have Si Paton’s Cannondale British Enduro Series which will bring his formidable ‘big event’ experience, gained from running the British Downhill Series, on the other we have Neil Delafield who wants to run a more rider centric series, where track choice and fun will be the main focus. As fingers hover over keyboards and dates go into the calendars having a choice is great and in the end the riders will vote with their feet, but the last thing anyone needs is this ridiculous confusion over a name making a mockery of UK enduro.

Thankfully it looks like Neil Delafield has seen sense as he released this statement yesterday: “We are aware of the confusion that having two series called British Enduro Series has caused and have been keen to get this sorted for you. We have approached the organisers of the other BES series on a couple of occasions to try and seek a simple solution for you. However, this appeared to fall on deaf ears and so we have taken the decision to change the name of our series and put an end to the confusion. We WILL still be running all of the events at the venues shown on our website in 2016 and beyond. We WILL be giving you the chance to give us your ideas and feedback as the season approaches and develops and we WILL leave it to you the riders to decide which series you would like to race.”

“We believe that our series will speak for itself in the quality and enjoyment of the brand new trails we will be creating for you in some of the best riding destinations across the country. So…what about the name? This is your series. What would you like to call it? UK Enduro Series perhaps? Something else? Let us know what you think and we’ll pick seven people at random who suggest sensible names and give those people a free entry to any single round for 2016 (7 entries to be shared by 7 people).Get creative. This is your series so please give us your suggestions.”

So let’s sort this out folks, let’s give one of the British Enduro Series a new name and get set for the new season!

Fire you name ideas over to Neil at to be entered into the competition.

Words and Photos: Trevor Worsey