The Lab: GraVity Card in Review
In the “The Lab” we present the latest products and put them through their paces for you. Some undergo long-term tests, while we check others out only briefly. This time we take a close look at the GraVity Card season pass for bike parks.

Are you itching to get rowdy? Our test rider Felix spends every spare minute smashing the trails — usually with a little help from gravity. Thing is he really doesn’t like the idea of wasting time pedalling uphill when he can use the time discussing ideal lines and big jumps while sitting on the lift. But all those days at the bike park were putting a big dent in his wallet. That’s why he decided it was time to get a GraVity Card — the perfect solution for Felix and for all of those who like hanging out at the bike park regularly. The season ticket costs € 455 (2018) and grants you access to almost 20 bike parks in 6 countries, most of them located in the Eastern Alps. As the owner of a seasonal ticket you’ll avoid the endless queues at the ticket office and start your bike park day a lot more relaxed than all the day-ticket holders. What’s really cool is that you can just pop by for one or two laps on your favourite trails or use the lift to start an epic tour. Felix never felt he was wasting his money, even on those days he wasn’t doing 10 laps spending 8 hours at the bike park. He truly appreciates the advantages of a seasonal ticket. Why? Because considering an average price of € 35 for a day ticket the GraVity Card will pay for itself after just 13 days. Felix also loves the great variety of trails and parks he can choose from. Fans of natural single trails, endless root carpets and rock gardens will get their money’s worth just as much as hardcore bikepark rats who are after the biggest jumps or beginners who are looking to spend some fun hours on flowy trails.

The GraVity Card will increase by € 20 in the next season but will also include two new venues: the Willingen Park in Germany and the Austrian EWS venue Petzen. The GraVity Card allows you to shred your favourite bike parks whenever you want and without restrictions. All parks and trails will be accessible for a total of 7 months from April to November 2019.
Do your maths with the GraVity Card — it’s easy! If you’re likely to spend much time in one of the listed bike parks you’ll save yourself lots of money and irritating queues at the ticket office. And even if you don’t live right next to one of the parks, the GraVity Card could be the ideal starting point for your next cycling adventure through the Alps.
- no ticket counter cues
- pays for itself after just 13 bike park days
- none
Tester Felix
Duration 3 seasons
More Information
Price € 455 (season 2018)