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Steps to the Top – Mitch Ropelato
The facts and figures behind Mitch Ropelato’s last-minute bid for the King of Crankworx crown are staggering. But beyond the measurement of gate drops and vertical feet of descending, the number of high-fives and blasted berms, or even his Crankworx hair bleaching, you’ve got one solid common denominator—fun on a bicycle.
Giant 2W Gravity Enduro Round 1: Rotorua
Saturday the 15th of October saw the start of the first round of the Giant 2W Gravity Enduro in Rotorua. The series, now in it’s 5th season has become the largest enduro in New Zealand, with 461 riders in the first round. The 4 round Giant 2W has become a staple of the ever-growing series of mountain bike races across the country. It is seen as one of the premiere events with rider placing going toward the NZ Crown overall points and race 2 of the series being the last chance to qualify for a space in the Enduro World Series in 2017. With a location set in the north island’s hub for mountain biking, and being organised by the team who brought the first EWS round to the southern hemisphere two years ago, most of NZ’s top enduro racers compete here, including Blenheim’s Justin Leov.
POC Scottish Enduro Series Round 6 Ae: A Rumble in the Jungle
“So much traction”, “So much dust”, “So easy”. These are all phrases that were not uttered once at this weekend’s grand finale of the POC Scottish Enduro Series in Ae Forest. The sixth and final round of the popular series needed to be a big one, and boy did it deliver. With crazy trails that only the Scot’s could love, lashings of mud, a fat slice of good humour and a pinch of old fashioned survivalism, the final showdown went off in style.
Race Report: Pedalhounds Multi-Stage Enduro, Land of Nod
For those in the UK old enough and with long enough memories, the name Pedalhounds will bring back memories of southern-based mountain bike racing at its best in the 90’s and early 00’s. The races were the proving ground for some of the south’s best mountain bikers in both XC and DH. The Pedalhounds races were where many of the south’s top names caught the racing bug and started life between the tapes.
A Weekend with Rachel Atherton at the Red Bull Foxhunt 2016
The women’s Red Bull Foxhunt by Jeep is now in its third year and has ventured south of the border into England for the first time bringing pastures and competitors anew to the popular format. The new Cumbrian venue was excellently placed to welcome women from all across the UK to take part in this unique race and come they did with the race sold out in less than 8 hours.
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