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Rémy Absalon takes win at Cannondale Enduro Tour Rd. 2

The second round of the Cannondale Enduro Tour in France was held this weekend. 450 riders, 350 litres of beer, 5 extra fun stages, sunny weather and smiling riders! Anything else to say? Actually not, but nevertheless more details directly from the organisers:

The 2nd venue of the Cannondale Enduro Tour powered by SRAM took place in the little village of Mollau!

An elite podium for the local race is awesome
A podium full of elite riders is awesome for a local race.

5 stages with 1500 meters elevation and 35 km were planned for the 400 racers. The weather was just perfect with clear sky and the terrain was extremely dry. The volunteers of Mollau have done an amazing job by building 5 incredible stages with flow, speed, technical sections, berms and jumps! It was just a perfect good day of riding bikes!

The top world class level of the race made the event even more excited! For the scratch, Rémy Absalon won the race with a final time of 20:03. Nicolas Lau finished just behind him (+12′) and François Bailly Maitre ends up 3rd (+19′). The regular rider of the series Pierre-Charles Georges grabs the 4th position and Elliot Trabac takes the 5th place! Unfortunately Damien Oton broke his chain and the 1st stage but he kept pushing and won 2 stages!

On the junior category, Theotim Trabac won his first race in his category in front of Eliott Baud and Charles Christophe.
In the junior category, Theotim Trabac won his first race in front of Eliott Baud and Charles Christophe.
In the women class, the german was the strongest and Veronika Bruechle takes the 1st place in front of the French Morgane Jonnier. A swiss girl, Liesbeth Hessens finishes in 3rd position.
In the women’s class, the german Veronika Bruechle was the strongest took the win, with Morgane Jonnier and Liesbeth Hessens finishing 2nd and 3rd.
The master class Pierre Fluckiger for the first time this year the 1st spot in front of Camille Lepley and Joerg Heydt!
In the master’s class Pierre Fluckiger claimed the first spot in front of Camille Lepley and Joerg Heydt!

For more information about upcoming events, the complete results or anything else about the Cannondale Enduro Tour, check the official website!