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Racing | Campeonato Estadual de Enduro – Brazil

It was on the days of the 28/11 and 29/11 that the 1st edition of the State Championship MTB Enduro took place in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo city, Brazil. Held at Bike Park Sanandu, the event featured three special high-speed stages, jumps, and great downhill, a perfect scenario for riders who come from a Downhill and All-Mountain riding style.

Stoked to hit the trails!
Stoked to hit the trails!
A wide range of bikes were seen over the weekend.
A wide range of bikes were seen over the weekend.
On the way to the stages.
On the way to the stages.
Stage start, nerves were soon dispelled as acing got under way.
Stage start, nerves were soon dispelled as acing got under way.

Separated into Elite, Expert, U23, Master A1, A2 Master, Master B1, and Master the event was attended by approximately 50 riders from different parts of the state and even other locations. Free practice runs took place on a hot Saturday, and the track had perfect grip allowing riders to gain good speed in the jumps and obstacles along the track. There were no accidents and the riders shredded their bikes and the track!

Various obstacles and terrain challenged the riders.
Various obstacles and terrain challenged the riders.
Some big drops and jumps meant there was no shortage of air time.
Some big drops and jumps meant there was no shortage of air time.
Bikes got a work out too!
Bikes got a work out too!
Liaisons offered riders the chance to catch their breath and chat to their buddies.
Liaisons offered riders the chance to catch their breath and chat to their buddies.

In the afternoon the rain came, right after the end of practice runs. On Sunday, the day started a little cloudy and the track slightly wet, but this did not affect the riders, who rode as hard as on Saturday. In the afternoon, the sun came back and the track got a perfect level of grip. The bikes were literally flying low. Diego (Knob) Neumann got 1st place in the category Elite, Antonio Ricardo Moutinho Monteiro Filho also rose to the highest step of the podium in the Expert category, Bruno Ismerio Borher won in the Sub 23 category, Ricardo Lopes got gold in Master A1, Alexandre Claret Dias de Oliveira Junior won the Master A2, Mauricio de Almeida Maciel in Master B1, and Marcelo Backer in the category Master B2.

Riders were loving the stages.
Riders were loving the stages.
Jumping out of the jungle for a brief moment.
Jumping out of the jungle for a brief moment.
The dirt was perfect, offering some great grip for riders to push.
The dirt was perfect, offering some great grip for riders to push.
Around 50 racers took to the stages.
Around 50 racers took to the stages.

The event was sanctioned by Fecierj (Cycling Federation of Rio de Janeiro State) which is affiliated with the CBC (Brazilian Confederation of Cycling), as the 1st edition the riders made points in the Rio de Janeiro ranking. The event was an absolute success, it brought together friends and riders, and we can’t wait for next year!

The stages were downhill focused but still physical for sure!
The stages were downhill focused but still physical for sure!
The event was a huge success!
The event was a huge success!
Podiums at the end of a long days racing!
Podiums at the end of a long days racing!
See you in 2016!
See you in 2016!

For more information visit and results visit

Words & Photos: João Paulo Labeda