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On the tracks of Beverally 2016 with Fabien Barel

Once again, direction Maritime Alps, in South of France, with 1001sentiers and the 3 times world champion Fabien Barel riding a shinning winter day and shooting some lovely tracks of an epic enduro race that will take place at Sospel on April 16-17: the Beverally (enduro “rally” in the “Bévéra” Valley).


Organised by Sospel-MTB, this Ultra Enduro will propose no less than 9 special stages of Ultra Pleasure, for a total of 70 km and 3500 m+/- cut in 3 loops (one on Saturday afternoon and two on Sunday). Huge numbers for a huge racing experience, on a famous enduro spot of Southern French Alps, that Greg Germain makes discovering with some stunning photos taken with Brice Thouret (organiser) and Fabien Barel (no need to present him)…

A morning in January, joining Fabien Barel at Sospel to ride some new trails opened especially by Sospel-MTB for the coming Beverally.
A morning in January, joining Fabien Barel at Sospel to ride some new trails opened especially by Sospel-MTB for the coming Beverally.
Brice Thouret and his local-colors jersey, playing in the leaves of one of the 6 new stages of the Beverally for 2016 (such a good balance on a total of 9 stages!)
Brice Thouret and his local-colors jersey, playing in the leaves of one of the 6 new stages of the Beverally for 2016 (such a good balance on a total of 9 stages!)
On April 16-17, the 500 participants of the Beverally will have the chance to ride some trails, as this one, which were sleeping since many decades… Trails that never saw any bikers before! What an honor we had to be the first!
On April 16-17, the 500 participants of the Beverally will have the chance to ride some trails, as this one, which were sleeping since many decades… Trails that never saw any bikers before! What an honor we had to be the first!
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Fabien Barel shredding another new stage of the Beverally, and not the worst… Named Fontassas, it’s all about soil, perfect gradiant, perfect turns… and braap!
Fabien Barel shredding another new stage of the Beverally, and not the worst… Named Fontassas, it’s all about soil, perfect gradiant, perfect turns… and braap!
Don’t worry, in addition to soft earth and tasty leaves, the Beverally will not miss the typical rocks of South of France.
Don’t worry, in addition to soft earth and tasty leaves, the Beverally will not miss the typical rocks of South of France.
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beverally 1001sentiers 9 barel

Interested? Find more information on the Beverally Website

Words & Photos: Greg Germain