Montenbaik Enduro Series 2016 round 3 in Curacavi
The youngest riders dominated the competition in the Los Capachos area, with heart- stopping and narrow definitions in all categories. More information directly from the organizer:
Other winners of the day were: Mauricio Acuña (Super Experts), Pablo Bianchi (Promo Master C), Pilar Eguiguren (Light Women), Antonia Wurth (Open Women) and Francisco Palominos (Hardtail).
With narrow definitions, numerous surprises on the podium and clear dominance of the youngest riders concluded in Curacaví the 3rd round of the Chilean National Championship Montenbaik Enduro Series 2016, which had as winners Pedro Burns (Ibis Hope) in Enduro 1 and Jose Tomas Noemi in Enduro 2.

Burns, current Chilean champion, won in Enduro 1 and Division Under 21, less than two seconds away, arrived Mauricio Acuña (Extreme Zone Cycles Racing), winner of Super Experts; and third, another U21, Gustavo Ortiz (Specialized).
Meanwhile, in Super Experts Felipe Vial (Intercycles Enduro Racing Team) and Andreas Kukulis (Masterbikes MTB) arrived in second and third respectively.

In Open Women , the surprise was Antonia Wurth (Intercycles), beating Camila Nogueira (Extreme Zone) and existing national monarch, Florence Espiñeira. Light Women was led by Pilar Eguiguren, while in the Enduro 2 series the winner was the Promo Junior, Jose Tomas Noemi, followed by Damiano Bortolotti (winner in Promotional) and Gaspar Contreras.

The remaining winners of the Round were: Pablo Bianchi (Promo Master C), Emiliano Bustos (Promo Master B), Diego Pinochet (Promo Master A), Francisco Palominos (Rigid), Sebastián Vásquez (Master B) and Antonio Leiva (Master A ).

National Enduro Series 2016 Championship Montenbaik continue on July 3rd in the city of La Serena, September 4 Pichidangui, October 30 Conception and close on December 4 in Ninh
The National Championship will continue on July 3rd in La Serena.
For more information and results check the official website!