European Enduro Series | Back at the beach for the season finale
On October 17th and 18th the European Enduro Series will conclude in sunny Benalmádena, Spain, crowning the EES 2015 champion. Today´s mandatory training wheted the rider´s appetite for the season finale tomorrow. Who will be champion of the Elite classes? The results are close and nothing is certain, but we can be sure that the riders will fight down to the last meter – until then check out these amazing photos from today’s practice.

The European Enduro Series 2015 is almost over. But once more the riders cope with challenging terrain and give their best on the sandy trails of Benalmádena, 12 kilometers west of the city of Málaga, Spain. Today the fifth mandatory training of the EES 2015 ended for the participants with one voice: “Sandy, challenging and unfamiliar.” The race starts tomorrow morning right in the middle of the city of Benalmádena.

In total 29.5 km and 4 stages are waiting for the riders to come. Altogether, the trails will be a combination of sandy soil mingled with rocky parts. So, nothing comparable to the trails the riders know from the Alps. During the sophisticated race with its tough climbing sections, the shredders will barely have the time to enjoy the panoramic view of the ocean or the Málaga upstate. Briefly, the best conditions to finally crown queen and king of the series in 2015.

As for now it is still up in the air, who will be crowned king of the Men Elite class. The top favorites Markus Reiser (GER) and Michal Prokop (CZE) are already in Benalmádena and ready for the final showdown tomorrow. Or will James Shirley (GBR) challenge the podium for Reiser or Prokop?

Even in the Women Elite Class, nothing is fixed by now. Since Monika Büchi from Switzerland has to cure her dislocated shoulder, it is all up to her fellow countrywoman Sandra Börner and Lisa Policzka (GER). But both of them need have an eye on Miriam Alcantara. The local youngster knows the trails around Benalmádena inside out and is ready for her third Enduro race.

Marcos Salas from the local organizer 203mm is more than happy with the EES taking part in Málaga, since he and his crew have the plan to create an official bike park in the area and make it even more popular to the sport. “The weather forecast for tomorrow is rain. But that does no harm to the trails and make it even more better to ride those sandy soils. So there is just one thing to say: ride and enjoy!”, emphasizes Salas and is looking forward for the final race of the season.

Racing kicks off tomorrow and we will bring you the exciting news of the final round, check in here on ENDURO to find out more.
Words: EES Photos: Antonio Lopez