DI.A Winner 2016: Radon Slide Carbon 140 10.0
The mission of the Design & Innovation Award is to shape the bicycle world in a positive way. It also serves as a forum for creativity, visionary ideas as well as the industry’s most innovative products. More than 40 experts from 10 countries joined this year’s event to test, analyze and judge the best and most innovative products of 2016 in Kronplatz/San Vigilio – Dolomites. The Award recognises either outstanding product design and function, or innovation that sets a new standard and inspires future product generations and forward-thinking approaches.
Radon Slide Carbon 140 10.0

When it comes to trail bikes, it’s normally a case of ‘light, capable, or fast – pick two.’ However, the Radon Slide Carbon 140 10.0 throws convention out of the window and delivers all three. The Slide Carbon impressed with an electrifying performance; the 10.8 kg rocket is explosive up short, punchy climbs yet holds its own with the big bikes when the trails get rough. Extreme lightness is a quality that can often be misused, resulting in a nervous and unpredictable ride, but the Radon is perfectly balanced and strikes the optimum balance between fierce acceleration and ground-hugging stability: this is a trail bike of the future.

Price: € 5199 | Weight: 10.81kg | radon-bikes.de
Find out more about the other winners of the Design & Innovation Award 2016.