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advice, Beginners, instruction, learning -

While in general sense riding a bike is not overly complicated, once you move beyond the confines of the local bike path and hit some real mountain bike trails, and then go looking for more in depth knowledge, it can quickly become a daunting task to sort through all of the information and misinformation regarding trail 411, …

The post Where Should You Go for Mountain Biking Advice? appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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england, instruction, lawsuit, News, skills, united kingdom -

a Update: The mountain bike skills instructor has been found 80% liable in this case, and is expected to pay £3 million in damages. [/see_also} Original Article: A mountain bike skills instructor in the UK is being sued for £4 million ($4.9 million USD) by a student that was paralyzed during a mountain bike skills lesson …

The post Mountain Bike Skills Instructor Sued for £4 Million by Paralyzed Student appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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