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“The absence of a berm is a beautiful thing. Riding Chuck Wagon in Sedona, Arizona with Kyle Mears and Sarah Rawley. Flat-trackers all day. #FollowCamFriday.” -Nate Hills

The post Watch: Flowing the Chuck Wagon Trail, Sedona, AZ appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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Captain Ahab has quickly become a household name, and is now considered one of the very best trails in Moab! But that doesn’t mean its easy… watch the pros take all the harder alt lines on lower Captain Ahab in the video above. “Riding the lower section of Captain Ahab in Moab Utah with Botsy …

The post Watch: The Pros Take the Hard Lines on Captain Ahab appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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“Chasing daylight in Sedona Arizona. Kyle Mears and myself ride one of my favorite trails, Hogs to Pig Tail. This is a proper way to end a big day in the saddle. Don’t fall right.” -Nate Hills

The post Watch: Sedona Shredding: Hogs to Pig Tail appeared first on Singletracks Mountain Bike News.

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