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27.5, 29er, All Mountain Trail, Cascade Peak, Cross Country, Fezzari, Plus, Sea Otter 2015, Sea Otter Classic -

Consumer direct seller believes there’s a sea change underway with the way people buy bikes -- and sees new 27+ platform as great entree into sport for new riders.

The post Sea Otter: Fezzari rolls out 27+ Cascade Peak appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.

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27.5, 29er, All Mountain Trail, Enduro, News, RAIL 40, SRAM, Wheels -

SRAM has made huge strides in its wheel development. They've dissected every part of the wheel system and improved all the components. They're not very wide yet but the engineering is now very sound with the RAIL line of wheels. Performance and affordability are in the forefront as well.

The post News: SRAM RAIL 40 wheels appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.

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27.5, All Mountain Trail, SCOTT Sports, Sea Otter 2015, Sea Otter Classic, Spark 700, Spark 700 Ultimate Di2 -

If your bike buying budget is tight, don't click through. This post will just make you frustrated, angry or both. It will also likely make you drool.

The post Sea Otter: Scott Spark 700 Ultimate Di2, ultimate DT Swiss fork appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.

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