IMBA, News -

Three-quarters of IMBA members said mountain bike trail access has increased in their community in the past decade. Perceived negative image of mountain biking ranked as No. 1 threat.

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IMBA, International Mountain Bicycling Association, News, STC, Sustainable Trails Coalition -

In response to the news that a pair of Utah Senators have introduced a new Act that could gain access for mountain bikers on federally designated wilderness, IMBA president and USA executive director Mike Van Abel released the following statement.

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IMBA, News, Sustainable Trails Coalition, Utah -

In a move that’s being trumpeted by some as a measure that could lead to better trail access for mountain bikers, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) has introduced the Human-Powered Travel in Wilderness Areas Act.

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IMBA, News, STC, Sustainable Trails Coalition -

After a sometimes turbulent period of back and forth comments between supporters of IMBA and the Sustainable Trails Coalition, the two organizations have released a joint statement that seems to put at least some of their differences to rest.

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Access4Bikes, Ales and Trails, Event, IMBA, News -

Ales and Trails in Marin is the largest gathering of Bay Area MTB advocacy organizations in one place, at one time, all year long! Local heroes will be honored and the list is so secret you might be one of them. And there's good beer.

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