Arkansas, IMBA, mountain biking, Travel, Video -

Pull out your bike and strap on your helmet. The Oz Trails in Northwest Arkansas are open year-round. Check out this video of Lars Sternberg and Tyler Horton shredding the goods.

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IMBA, News -

The work of the International Mountain Bicycling Association will never be done. But after a long year of fighting the good fight it's worth looking back on some of the organization's biggest successes.

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IMBA, News -

Working with the local IMBA chapter MTB Missoula and statewide members, IMBA successfully negotiated creating a 3000-acre National Recreation Area companion designation in place of a wilderness proposal that threatened 30 miles of trail. Here's how it happened.

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IMBA, IMBA-World-Summit, News -

With the change in political winds blowing with gale force intensity, outgoing Bureau of Land Management director Neil Kornze implored attendees at the IMBA World Summit to get engaged and stay engaged.

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Event, IMBA, News, Trail Advocacy, Trail Building, World Summit -

The tribe that is the International Mountain Bicycling Association has gathered in northwest Arkansas for its seventh World Summit, this year coming together in the burgeoning fat tire hot bed of Bentonville.

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