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Accomplice, cam zink, Teton Gravtiy Research, Videos, Virgin -

When Cam Zink first started riding, no one knew what a full suspension bike was capable of, and frankly, he didn’t care. He was too busy jumping off massive drops hoping that the frame wouldn’t crack. Over time, he added tricks into his repertoire, wowing the world with some of the heaviest 360s and flips Read More

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Accomplice, Ethan Nell, Teton Gravtiy Research, Videos, Virgin -

Ethan Nell was born and raised in Southern Utah, surrounded by steep hills and perfect jump-building dirt. He started biking as a toddler, and quickly expanded his interests to include the full gamut of vehicles of both the two and four-wheeled variety. These days, he’s traveling the world as a professional mountain biker, but nothing Read More

The post ‘Accomplice’ Athlete Edits: Ethan Nell appeared first on BIKE Magazine.

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jaxson riddle, teton gravity research, Utah, Videos, Virgin -

Jaxson Riddle is young, even for a young-person’s sport like downhill mountain biking. At the age of 19, he’s already earned sponsorships from some of sport’s premiere brands, traveled around the world, and snagged a spot in TGR’s Accomplice on virtue of his creative and fearless riding. And this is just the beginning… Read Jaxson’s Read More

The post Jaxson Riddle: Young and Hungry appeared first on BIKE Magazine.

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Evil Bicycles, Utah, Videos, Virgin -

Kyle Norbraten, Mike Giese and Graham Agassiz head to Utah to shred against the scenic backdrop of Virgin, Utah. The Black Collar crew put the Evil Following MB and Offering to the test on some fast flow trails with some solid rocky jank gnar thrown in. The Evil Insurgent and Wreckoning LB Park Bikes also Read More

The post Video: The Evil Bikes Crew in Utah appeared first on BIKE Magazine.

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