Matter RSS

buzz, chris king, Matter -

Environmental impact is a hot topic in the cycling industry right now—but it was already a point of concern for Chris King twenty years ago.

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Andrew Shandro, DAKINE, Gear, Gear Features, matt hunter, Matter, Miscellaneous, tailgate pad, Thomas Vanderham, Travel Bags -

Though the scientific community is still split, evidence points to Western Canada as the origin of the tailgate pad. Find out how cardboard folded over a pickup tailgate evolved into an entire new product category.

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Gear, Gear Features, Giro, Helmets, Matter, Roc Loc -

In the early 1990s, it wasn’t just our bikes that were in the dark ages. There were no hydration packs, our fluorescents were totally wrong and our brain buckets were just road helmets with visors. Meanwhile, bikes were getting faster, riders were attacking more aggressive terrain and one brand realized that our helmets needed to Read More

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Matter, Mavic Crossmax -

The majority of things are iterations of other things, but every now and then something pops up and triggers a complete tidal shift. The Mavic Crossmax UST is one of those things.

The post Matter: If Sidewalls Could Talk appeared first on BIKE Magazine.

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Atlas, Atlas Freeride, Features, Gear Features, Matter, RaceFAce -

The wide handlebar revolution could never have its roots in one single product. But if it did, it'd be the Atlas Freeride bar.

The post Atlas Freeride Handlebar appeared first on BIKE Magazine.

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