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Better news for the Atherton clan, Dan has just managed to post the fastest time in 4X qualification! It’s a bit of an understatement to say he was flying. Other news is that despite taking part in training, Cedric Gracia didn’t take part in the qualification, not sure why, because he certainly wasn’t hanging around […]

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News, Racing -

Just heard that Luke Marshall has bust his wrist…so they say. The increase in speed of this tweaked track seems to be causing a few problems, Cedric Gracia has just had a massive crash, he managed to walk away fine though (I think) despite snapping his bars in two in the process. Everyone who witnesed […]

The post VIGO UPDATE appeared first on Dirt.

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News, Racing -

Just heard that Luke Marshall has bust his wrist…so they say. The increase in speed of this tweaked track seems to be causing a few problems, Cedric Gracia has just had a massive crash, he managed to walk away fine though (I think) despite snapping his bars in two in the process. Everyone who witnesed […]

The post VIGO UPDATE appeared first on Dirt.

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News, Racing -

Latest info from Spain on the first World Cup downhill of the year… In general they are all liking it, at first some were a bit worried that it was a bit too smooth and fast (a fair few of those stumps that stumped Minnaar last year have been removed), but just after this mornings […]

The post VIGO WORLD CUP DH TRAINING appeared first on Dirt.

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News, Racing -

Latest info from Spain on the first World Cup downhill of the year… In general they are all liking it, at first some were a bit worried that it was a bit too smooth and fast (a fair few of those stumps that stumped Minnaar last year have been removed), but just after this mornings […]

The post VIGO WORLD CUP DH TRAINING appeared first on Dirt.

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