FlyUp Downhill RSS

bike park, FlyUp Downhill, News -

The guys behind the Flyup uplift service have just announced that they'll be opening the UK's largest privately owned bike park, and the plans sound RAD!

The post The Flyup 417 Project – An Amazing New Bike Park For The UK appeared first on Dirt.

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FlyUp Downhill, forest of dean, News -

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone… Or something like that. We’re all guilty as riders of picking up bad habits as quickly as we try to lose them. As we’ve been saying for years, it seems bonkers that people will go out and spend in excess of £5,000 on a new […]

The post FlyUp Downhill & Katy Curd team up to offer coaching appeared first on Dirt.

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Featured Article, FlyUp Downhill, News -

A belated Christmas robin has just flown into the office, and tweeted (original sense; not via its new iPhone 5) that after a few successful years of running an uplift five days a week in the Forest of Dean, FlyUp Downhill is expanding and taking on Gawton (south Devon) as well. Great news for Gawton, […]

The post Press Release: FlyUp Downhill to run in Gawton, Devon appeared first on Dirt.

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Featured Article, FlyUp Downhill, forest of dean, News -

A snapshot of the riders in the FoD on any… well, you get the idea. A surprisingly dry Friday morning (for this country at this time of year) enticed more than a few people out into the Forest of Dean for a day thrashing their bike, courtesy of FlyUp Downhill. Name: Dan Murphy Age: 35 […]

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