Kelly McGarry, Race Coverage, Red Bull Rampage, Video -

Video: Kelly McGarry detonates bike in Red Bull Rampage practice crash

Rampage Carnage

Overshooting the landing by 30 feet took it’s toll on Kelly McGarry’s wheels. Thankfully he’s OK.

Red Bull Rampage competitor Kelly McGarry is bruised and scratched but otherwise OK after over-jumping a 75-foot gap jump and crashing hard in practice today. McGarry overshot the landing transition by an estimated 30-feet, landing flat and detonating his wheels and sending the lanky New Zealander over the handlebars.


Video by Blaize Potts/YouTube.

Undeterred, McGarry says he should be good to go for qualifying Friday. Practice for Red Bull Rampage–the world’s premier big mountain freeride competition–started today near Virgin, Utah and concludes with finals on Sunday.

Rampage Detonation

McGarry actually landed rear wheel first, but was pitched forward after the front wheel detonated.

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