Video: FLOW – The Elements of Freeride
You know how most ride stoke videos have killer music tracks that get you all amped up and ready to ride? What if someone made a mountain biking video with no music. No rockin’ soundtrack. Just nature. Would it still be cool?
Well thanks to Oly and the gang at North 40 Productions we now know the answer.
Click here to view the embedded video.
FLOW – The Elements of Freeride is an interesting take on mountain biking and has won multiple film festival awards. Watch rider and geophysicist Rex Flake (who says mountain bikers ain’t smart?) as he rails the trails in the Cascade Mountains and identifies the flora, fauna, and geology of the region along the way. Love the “projectile motion” arcs as Rex launches himself.
And if you really must hear the soundtracked version of this video, here it is (the music starts off a bit wonky, but stick with it, it gets better):
Click here to view the embedded video.
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