Video: Fall BC XC 29er’ing with the Turner Czar and Pivot 429
Fall in BC brings back rain. Rain brings saturated green vibrant moss, ferns, evergreen and deciduous trees back to life. Roots, rocks and rolls get a bit slippery but that keeps one honest. The trails that become a bit brown and dusty when dry and easier to ride for the tourists visiting in summer become a bit more challenging and you have to re-learn nuances you might have forgotten. Little tricks that save you from faceplanting, endo’ing, tomahawking resurface from your mental harddrive. It’s a fun time to ride.
I’m on a Turner Czar. Sharon’s on a Pivot 429 she borrowed from Gray T. There’s not that much to add about these bikes that hasn’t been canvassed in this Mtbr forum thread where we rode both bikes and my TallboyC. I also reviewed the Czar on Mtbr and since then have put about 40 more days on it. It’s been consistently consistent never needing much more than a quick wipe of the chain and relube. In short it’s been astounding reliable and as insanely capable a performer as I could expect.
Click here to view the embedded video.
For video entertainment here’s some Czarring in Northern Yukon on a 10,000km road-trip we did to the Yukon and Northern BC.
Photos by Lee Lau and Sharon Bader.

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