Maxxis, Thomas Vanderham, Video -

The Escape Artist // Thomas Vanderham video


Thomas Vanderham has life well sorted with a good perspective on things. Photo by Paris Gore

Thomas Vanderham’s moment of clarity came when he was 10 years old. After witnessing a neighbor kid doing wheelies in an alley, Vanderham set out to master the technique himself. His first attempt was spastic and short-lived, but for a brief moment, he felt that perfect balance point. And that feeling, the one that fluttered through him during that first wheelie attempt, is one he has continued to chase his entire life.


We all seek the feeling that 10-year-old Vanderham had. When we find it, we want to milk it and are constantly trying to re-create it. We search for it on the weekends and in our free time. We daydream about it and occasionally — perhaps while waiting for a train to cross — we’ll even slip back into that feeling again, even if only for a moment. It calls to us, driving us to push through pain and fear. It frees us from the rut of routine life, which is exactly what our bodies and minds crave. After all, we’re all just looking for an escape.


Vanderham relies on consistent contact points on both his bike and vehicle. Photo by Paris Gore

Video shot and edited by Scott Secco. Photographs by Paris Gore. Check out more videos on Mtbr.

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