27.5, Enduro, EWS, Ibis Cycles, Mojo HD4, Pro Bike, Robin Wallner -

Robin Wallner is a former World Cup DH pro who recently made the jump to enduro. In his second season, he’s been consistently pushing into the top 10. Here’s a look at his Ibis Mojo HD4.

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Curtis Keene, Enduro, EWS, Video -

What’s the difference between privateer and factory life on the EWS? Find out in this episode of On Track with Curtis Keene.

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Enduro World Series, EWS, New Zealand, Race Coverage, Video -

Our favorite EWS web series is back. This episode covers the Tasmanian race, which was fraught with mud, mechanicals, and crashes.

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EWS, Ibis Cycles, Video -

Ibis ambassador Jeff Kendall-Weed takes a look at the brand's EWS team bikes, then heads out for a rip with the crew in this short video.

The post Ibis Enduro World Series Team bike check appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.

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Enduro, Enduro World Series, EWS, Race Coverage -

The Enduro World Series heads to its spiritual home of France this week for round No. 5, the Natural Games Millau EWS driven by URGE bp.

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