Race: 2014 Taxco Urban Downhill Preview
This is Buckell’s 2013 Taxco Downhill race run…keep it tuned to Mtbr for glimpses into his 2014 photos, videos and insight.
Narrow alley ways, endless stair sections and huge jumps are some of what Mexico’s Taxco Urban Downhill is known for–it’s also known for attracting riders from a broad swath of gravity backgrounds, be it big mountain riders, slopestyle competitors or downhill racers. One of the latter is Team Incycle’s Jon Buckell who will be giving us an inside look at the 2014 edition of the event, starting with tonight’s pre-race photos, followed by a view of tomorrow’s practice, and finally Saturday’s race run.

Buckell’s Santa Cruz My V10 is assembled and ready for stairs, cobblestone streets and wooden jumps.

This very cool mid-size turbo-diesel crew cab VW pickup caught Jon’s eye–it’s available in Mexico but not in the US.
Buckell will be filing reports throughout the event, so check Mtbr for updates throughout the weekend and follow Jon on Instagram at @djyoungbuck.

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