Mountain bike camp for military vets helps give back

The WTB sponsored MTB camp for veterans was all about giving back and ripping good times, exemplified here by Daniel “Danimal” Riley (click to enlarge). Photo by Ken Viale Photography
Our military veterans have risked life and limb in the service of our country and to try and give back, WTB partnered with the Semper Fi Fund to create a mountain bike skills clinic. Each of the sixteen participants at the inaugural event discovered a passion for mountain biking along their path to recovery.

You couldn’t ask for to two better instructors than Mark and Jason (click to enlarge). Photo by Ken Viale Photography
Their instructors over the course of a three day weekend were Mark Weir and Jason Moeschler, two long time friends who have won traded off numerous wins and podiums at the Downieville Classic All-Mountain World Championships.

Love this American themed saddle? WTB will be producing a limited quantity later this year, with part of the proceeds going to the Semper Fi Fund (click to enlarge). Photo by Ken Viale Photography
Each of the service members who attended the event were given a limited edition America themed WTB Volt Team saddle as a token of appreciation. Later this summer, WTB plans on producing an additional batch that will be sold in stores, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Semper Fi Fund. For those unfamiliar with the organization, the Fund is a nonprofit that provides financial assistance to military veterans during their hospitalization and recovery.
Click here to view the embedded video.
For more photos of the weekend, head over to WTB.

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