MBOSC shares bike trail plan for Santa Cruz County
The Bay Area, CA is a desert of good, singletrack mountain bike access. Cornered by the anti-bike strongholds of Marin, Mid Peninsula and East Bay, singletrack access for mountain bikes has been choked to a bare minimum while the sport has flourished and mountain bikers have proven that they are great stewards of the land.
But an oasis has risen in the form of a group called MBOSC or Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz. Starting with a single full-time employee, Matt De Young and a small pump track project, the group has built up momentum to gain the trust of mountain bikers, other trail users and the entire Santa Cruz County.
The group now has seven dynamic individuals on staff that devote their passion and their industry experience to build trail and gain access to new opportunities. Today, they share their plan for the next few years.

It is a dynamic group indeed. Background is HERE.
2025 Vision | Q4 2018 Update
Wow, what a year 2018 was for MBOSC! You might recall that at the end of 2017, we finalized our 2025 Vision, which set a number of huge initiatives for MBOSC. We started 2018 with impressive goals as defined in our 2025 Vision, and we are proud to report that we went full send throughout the year to meet those goals, and then kept power on the pedals to crush them. Here is just a very short list of what we accomplished in 2018:
- 398 volunteers and MBOSC staff did 3,828 hours of trailwork during our 2017/18 season.
- The Glenwood Preserve Trails Project was completed, bringing three miles of new multi-use trail to Scotts Valley.
- Construction of the West Engelsmans Reroute Project in Wilder Ranch State Park broke ground in October 2018.
- We launched a brand new independent membership program where 100% of membership dues stay in the Santa Cruz area.
- The MBOSC team grew to five full-time staff, one part-time position, one seasonal trail builder, and an internship program.
And that’s barely scratching the surface of our 2018 accomplishments! If you want to feel really good about improvements to trail access and riding opportunities in the Santa Cruz area, take a few minutes to watch our 2025 Vision | Q4 2018 Update video above!
For even more details, check out our full 2025 Strategic Plan.
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