27.5, Enduro, Ibis Cycles, Jeff Kendell-Weed, Mojo HD3, Mojo HD4, Video -

Ibis Mojo HD3 vs HD4

Ibis Mojo HD4

Pro rider Jeff Kendall-Weed offers his take on the differences between the HD3 and HD4.

Some may know Jeff Kendall-Weed from his years behind the sales desk at Ibis. But he’s arguably better known for his creative riding style. In addition to producing some of our favorite edits, he’s been a long term tester for Ibis.


Due to his background, you may be tempted to call his riding reviews biased. But this comparison video between the HD3 and HD4 offers some great insight. To learn more about the HD4, check out Mtbr’s first ride impressions here.

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Ibis Mojo HD4 Ibis Mojo HD4 Ibis Mojo HD4 Ibis Mojo HD3

The post Ibis Mojo HD3 vs HD4 appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.
